724-845-8201 Mon--Fri 9-6 Sat 9-5 Sun10-3


Our tree nurseries contain the finest array of products available in the valley.

Arranged in two orderly nurseries, all tree products are maintained in burlap balls to ease the transportation and transplanting of the selection.

We exercise a well determined practice of watering and nourishment to ensure the continued balanced growth of the trees; thus providing our customers with the best opportunity for full enjoyment of their selection.

Our confidence in our growing practices allows us to provide you with a guarantee on all tree products.

Our staff can provide you with the growing characteristics of any variety, as well as to pinpoint the precise location of the product you are seeking.



Trees by Botanical Name  
Botanical Name Common Name
Acer Campestra Maple Hedge Branched
Acer Ginnala Flame Maple Flame Amur
Acer Palmatum dissectum Crimson Queen Maple Red Crimson Queen
Acer Palmatum dissectum Garnet (24″) Maple Red Garnet
Acer Palmatum dissectum Select Red (24″) Maple Select Red
Acer platonoides “Crimson King” Maple Red Crimson King
Acer platonoides “Crimson Sentry” Maple Red Crimson Sentry
Acer platonoides Deborah Norway Maple Norway Deborah
Betula Crimson Frost Birch – Crimson Frost
Betula pendula Dalecarlica Birch – Weeping Cutleaf
Betula X ‘ Avalzam’ Birch – Avalanche
Buxus Microphylia Koreana wintergreen Boxwood Wintergreen
Carpinus Betulus Pendula Hornbeam – Weeping (branched)
Cercidiphyllum Japenum Katsura Tree
Cercidiphyllum Japenum Pendula Kalsura Weeping
Ceris Canadensis Redbud Eastern (branched)
Ceris Canadensis “Alba” Redbud Whitebud
Chamaecyparis nootkatensis ‘Pendula’ Cedar – Weeping Yellow
Cornus florida “Cherokee Brave” Dogwood Cherokee Brave (ruby red)
Cornus Kousa Dogwood Korean (white)
Cornus Kousa Chinensis Dogwood Chinese (national) Kousa (white)
Cornus Kousa Heart Throb Dogwood Chinese Heart Throb (dark red)
Cornus x Rutban Aurora Dogwood Rutgers’ Hybrid (white)
Fagus Sylvatica Tricolor Beech – European Tricolor
Fraxinum Americana Junginger Ash Autumn Purple
Gledetsia Tricanthos “Suncole” Locust Sunburst
Koelreuteria paniculata Raintree – Golden
Ligustrum vulgare Cheyenne Privet – Common – Cheyenne
Magnolia Soulangiana (30″) Magnolia – Chinese Saucer (white/pink bloom) (30″)
Magnolia x. soulangiana Magnolia – Chinese Saucer (white/pink bloom)
Malus ‘ Cinzam’ Crabapple Dwarf Cinderella
Malus “Adirondack” Crabapple Adirondack (white)
Malus “Coracole” Crabapple Coralburst Genetic Dwf. (coral-rose)
Malus “Guinevere” Crabapple Guinevere (white)
Malus “Hargozam” Crabapple Harvest Gold (white – double)
Malus “Indian Summer” Crabapple Indian Summer (red)
Malus “Jewelberry” Crabapple Jewelberry (pink/white)
Malus “Lanzam” Crabapple Dwarf Lancelot (white)
Malus “Molazam Crabapple Weeping Molten lava (white)
Malus “Spring Snow” Crabapple Spring Snow (white)
Malus Colonnade Emerald Spire (N) Apple Colonnade Emerald Spire (N)
Malus Dwarf Enterprise Apple Dwarf Enterprise
Malus Dwarf Grandgala Apple Dwarf Grandgala
Malus Dwarf Granny Smith Apple Dwarf Granny Smith
Malus Dwarf Lodi Apple Dwarf Lodi
Malus parrsi Crabapple Pink Princess (rose pink)
Malus prairifire Crabapple Prairifire (pink red)
Malus Scarlett Spire Apple Scarlett Spire
Malus Semi Dwarf Liberty Apple Semi Dwarf Liberty
Malus Semi Dwarf Wolf River Apple Semi Dwarf Wolf River
Malus Yellow Delicious Apple Delicious Yellow
Mobus Alba Pendula “Chaparral” Mulberry Weeping Chaparral
Picea abies ‘Pendula’ Norway Spruce – Weeping
Pinus sylvestris Pine – Scotch
Prunus Cerasifera ‘ Purple Pony’ Plum – Flowering Purple Pony
Prunus Cerassgera “Newport” Plum Purple Leaf Newport (white/pink)
Prunus Cistena Plum – Flowering Cistena (light pink)
Prunus padus “Summer Glow” Cherry Flowering Summer Glow (white)
Prunus persica ‘Miniature’ Peach – Miniature
Prunus serrulata Cherry Flowering Royal Burgundy (dark pink)
Prunus Subhirtella Cherry Flowering
Prunus Subhirtella ‘ Pendula Plena Rosea’ Cherry Weeping – Double Flowering Pink
Prunus subhirtella “Autumnalis” Cherry Flowering Autumnalis (pink/white)
Prunus subhirtella Pendula Cherry – Weeping Higan (Pink bloom)
Prunus x. Cistena Plum Purple Leaf Sand Cherry
Prunus x. Snofozam Cherry Weeping Snow Fountain
Pyrus Calleryana Pear Cleveland Select
Pyrus Calleryana Chanticleer Pear Callery (White bloom)
Quercus bicolor Oak Swamp White
Quercus Macrocarpa Oak Burr
Quercus palustris Oak Pin
Quercus Rober “Wandell” Oak – English – Attention
Quercus Rober var Fastigiata Oak Regal Prince
Robina x.Purple Crown Locust Purple Crown
Sorbus auxuparia Cardinal Ash Cardinal Royal
Tsuga canadensis Hemlock – Canadian
Ulmus Glabra “Camperdown” Elm Weeping Camperdown
Zelkova serrata “Village Green” Zelkova Village Green


Trees by Common Name  
Common Name Botanical Name
Apple Colonnade Emerald Spire (N) Malus Colonnade Emerald Spire (N)
Apple Delicious Yellow Malus Yellow Delicious
Apple Dwarf Enterprise Malus Dwarf Enterprise
Apple Dwarf Grandgala Malus Dwarf Grandgala
Apple Dwarf Granny Smith Malus Dwarf Granny Smith
Apple Dwarf Lodi Malus Dwarf Lodi
Apple Scarlett Spire Malus Scarlett Spire
Apple Semi Dwarf Liberty Malus Semi Dwarf Liberty
Apple Semi Dwarf Wolf River Malus Semi Dwarf Wolf River
Ash Autumn Purple Fraxinum Americana Junginger
Ash Cardinal Royal Sorbus auxuparia Cardinal
Beech – European Tricolor Fagus Sylvatica Tricolor
Birch – Avalanche Betula X ‘ Avalzam’
Birch – Crimson Frost Betula Crimson Frost
Birch – Weeping Cutleaf Betula pendula Dalecarlica
Boxwood Wintergreen Buxus Microphylia Koreana wintergreen
Cedar – Weeping Yellow Chamaecyparis nootkatensis ‘Pendula’
Cherry – Weeping Higan (Pink bloom) Prunus subhirtella Pendula
Cherry Flowering Prunus Subhirtella
Cherry Flowering Autumnalis (pink/white) Prunus subhirtella “Autumnalis”
Cherry Flowering Royal Burgundy (dark pink) Prunus serrulata
Cherry Flowering Summer Glow (white) Prunus padus “Summer Glow”
Cherry Weeping – Double Flowering Pink Prunus Subhirtella ‘ Pendula Plena Rosea’
Cherry Weeping Higan Prunus Subhirtella Pendula
Cherry Weeping Snow Fountain Prunus x. Snofozam
Crabapple Adirondack (white) Malus “Adirondack”
Crabapple Coralburst Genetic Dwf. (coral-rose) Malus “Coracole”
Crabapple Dwarf Cinderella Malus ‘ Cinzam’
Crabapple Dwarf Lancelot (white) Malus “Lanzam”
Crabapple Guinevere (white) Malus “Guinevere”
Crabapple Harvest Gold (white – double) Malus “Hargozam”
Crabapple Indian Summer (red) Malus “Indian Summer”
Crabapple Jewelberry (pink/white) Malus “Jewelberry”
Crabapple Pink Princess (rose pink) Malus parrsi
Crabapple Prairifire (pink red) Malus prairifire
Crabapple Spring Snow (white) Malus “Spring Snow”
Crabapple Weeping Molten lava (white) Malus “Molazam
Dogwood Cherokee Brave (ruby red) Cornus florida “Cherokee Brave”
Dogwood Chinese (national) Kousa (white) Cornus Kousa Chinensis
Dogwood Chinese Heart Throb (dark red) Cornus Kousa Heart Throb
Dogwood Korean (white) Cornus Kousa
Dogwood Rutgers’ Hybrid (white) Cornus x Rutban Aurora
Elm Weeping Camperdown Ulmus Glabra “Camperdown”
Hemlock – Canadian Tsuga canadensis
Hornbeam – Weeping (branched) Carpinus Betulus Pendula
Kalsura Weeping Cercidiphyllum Japenum Pendula
Katsura Tree Cercidiphyllum Japenum
Katsura Tree Cercidiphyllum Japenum
Locust Purple Crown Robina x.Purple Crown
Locust Sunburst Gledetsia Tricanthos “Suncole”
Magnolia – Chinese Saucer (white/pink bloom) Magnolia x. soulangiana
Maple Flame Amur Acer Ginnala Flame
Maple Hedge Branched Acer Campestra
Maple Norway Deborah Acer platonoides Deborah Norway
Maple Red Crimson King Acer platanoides “Crimson King”
Maple Red Crimson Queen Acer Palmatum dissectum Crimson Queen
Maple Red Crimson Sentry Acer platonoides “Crimson Sentry”
Maple Red Garnet Acer Palmatum dissectum Garnet (24″)
Maple Select Red Acer Palmatum dissectum Select Red (24″)
Mulberry Weeping Chaparral Mobus Alba Pendula “Chaparral”
Norway Spruce – Weeping Picea abies ‘Pendula’
Oak – English – Attention Quercus Rober “Wandell”
Oak Burr Quercus Macrocarpa
Oak Pin Quercus palustris
Oak Regal Prince Quercus Rober var Fastigiata
Oak Swamp White Quercus bicolor
Peach – Miniature Prunus persica ‘Miniature’
Peach Weeping Pink Cascade botanical name not available
Pear Callery (White bloom) Pyrus Calleryana Chanticleer
Pear Cleveland Select Pyrus Calleryana
Pear Flowering Chanticleer (white) Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer
Pine – Scotch Pinus sylvestris
Plum – Flowering Cistena (light pink) Prunus Cistena
Plum – Flowering Purple Pony Prunus Cerasifera ‘ Purple Pony’
Plum Purple Leaf Newport (white/pink) Prunus Cerassgera “Newport”
Plum Purple Leaf Sand Cherry Prunus x. Cistena
Plum Purple Leaf Sand Cherry Prunus x. cistena
Privet – Common – Cheyenne Ligustrum vulgare Cheyenne
Raintree – Golden Koelreuteria paniculata
Redbud Eastern (branched) Ceris Canadensis
Redbud Whitebud Ceris Canadensis “Alba”
Zelkova Village Green Zelkova serrata “Village Green”


Kiski Garden Center, 991 S Leechburg Hill Rd, Leechburg, PA 15656
